about us プロジェクト概要
What happens when you bring together the finesse of Tango Chrimen (locally made silk crêpe which has been perfected for over 300 years) and the fine creations of Paris?
2019年よりスタートした「TANGO CREATION PLATFORM」は、丹後が持つ様々な魅力を外に開くことで新たな地域の可能性を模索するプロジェクト。「丹後ちりめん」と世界で活躍するクリエイター/デザイナーが滞在と交流を通じ、新たな領域の丹後ちりめんを模索する。滞在の中で出会う丹後の伝統、文化、風土、そしてリアルな工房の現場から様々なインスピレーションを得て作品が創造される。2020年は、COVID-19の影響により実行困難な状況におかれたが、オンライン観光やビデオ会議を通じて本来の滞在体験に近づけるかたちを工夫し開催。今回の特殊な環境下でも、関係者の相互協力と熱意により国を超えたクリエイションが可能なことを証明した。日本と海外を拠点にするデザイナーの感性が融合した、新たな[丹後ちりめん]の可能性を紹介する。
TANGO CREATION PLATFORM started in 2019. It’s a type of ‘artist-in-residence’ project to cultivate new potential in Tango by opening our doors more widely to the world. Creators and designers are invited to develop and evolve new types and uses for renowned Tango Chirimen through communication and residential programs. Our aim is to foster artistic space for creators, both from around Japan and internationally, to stay in Tango and develop their work. Gaining inspiration from the meeting of tradition and culture, coupled with the real atmosphere of local ateliers and artists, this will be a unique and exciting experience.In 2020, we had a difficult time due to COVID-19, but we continued working hard by holding online meetings and online touring, so that participants could experience the real Tango.And we proved that it is possible to create exciting new work through the enthusiastic cooperation of creators.Please see one new stage of “Tango Chirimen,” which was created this year by the collaboration of Japanese and French artists.

Tango Province of northern Kyoto Prefecture, which has a history of over 1,300 years of woven silk textile, experienced the innovation about 300 years ago; the birth of Tango Chirimen, also known as silk crepe.
In Edo period, Saheiji Kinuya (from Mineyama area), Koemon Tegomeya, Sahei Yamamotoya and Rokuemon Momenya (from kayadani area) learned the technique in Nishijin area in Kyoto and brought it back to Tango.
Chirimen is a form of textile with a pattern of fine, bumpy-textured grains, caused by the weft twisted about 3000 times per meter. It is well known for its soft texture and the dyed colors come out vividly.
Historically and even today, it continues to be used as luxurious and formal kimono textile in Japan.
And now, through the collaborations with international creators, a lot of unique textiles besides Chirimen are being produced in the region. 300 years after the birth of Chirimen, Tango moves on to next generation of innovations.
partners 事業者紹介
株式会社一色テキスタイル Isshiki textile co.,ltd
Isshiki Textile is a textile manufacturer that produces crepe silk items for everyday use, while effectively utilizing the properties of various types of yarn from silk to synthetic fibers. It also opens up new possibilities for crepe as a material for building interiors.
臼井織物株式会社 Usui Orimono Co.,Ltd.
⾅井織物は数少ない全製品の撚⽷と製織を⾃社で⾏う合繊丹後ちりめん織元として、1952 年の創業以来3,000 種類を超えるちりめん⽣地の開発で蓄積した技術と経験を活かし、強撚⽷を⽤いた三次元の奥⾏きと深みのある丹後ちりめんを織り続けています。
Since 1952, Usui Orimono Co., Ltd. has been weaving Tango chirimen with synthetics such as polyester and rayon, as well as hybrids of natural and synthetic yarns twisted in-house. With experience and skills acquired through developing more than 3,000 different chirimen, they are able to depict rich texture & depth, giving a three-dimensional appearance to the textile.
江原産業株式会社 create ebara
Beginning as a company that make “mongami”, the patterns for weaving Kimono textiles, they are expert at producing silk jacquard using their traditional technology, creating textiles that for example feature checkered gradations or are double faced. From design to weaving, they produce textiles in which Japanese and Western, or classic and modern, are fused.
山象舎 Sanzosya
Tango is a place of abundant nature, and plants that people come into contact with each day are incorporated into the works of Sanzosha. These derive both inspiration and materials from nature and materials, including in works made with crepe silk dyed with plant pigment designs and textiles made from plants gathered in the wild.
柴田織物 Shibata Textile.
京都府北部に位置する丹後半島は約1300 年の歴史を紡ぐ絹織物の⾥。今⽇に⾄るまで、丹後ちりめんに代表される多彩な織物が⽣産されています。
柴⽥織物は明治19 年に⼿機で創業しました。やがて動⼒織機による丹後ちりめんの製造を開始、昭和61 年には最⾼級の織物とされる縫取ちりめんによる留袖や訪問着の製造を始めます。五代⽬ 柴⽥祐史は縫取ちりめんの技法と現代的な感覚を掛け合わせた製品づくりに着⼿し、デザイナーのコレクション⽣地、映画の⾐装など幅広い分野へ可能性を広げてきました。お客様のイメージやアイデアからスケッチを描き、織物のデータへと変換し、絹⽷の⾊を合わせてシャットル織機で織る。柴⽥織物は全て⾃社において⼀貫したものづくりをしております。⼀反のオーダーから、お客様の想いを織物にしてご提案いたします。
Tango peninsula, located in the northern part of Kyoto prefecture, is an area of silk fabric production, with around 1300 years of history. Various textiles, such as Tango Chirimen, are still being produced today. Shibata Textile was founded in 1886 as a hand weaving company and eventually started manufacturing Tango chirimen using electric-powered looms. They later moved to producing the highest class of kimono textile for celebrations such as tomesode or homongi, using the finest woven technique of “*Nuitori chirimen”. Yuji Shibata, their fifth generation owner, has expanded the possibilities to a wide range of new uses and materials. Using classic technology fused with a modernist sensibility, his work features in designer collections and even in costumes for a Hollywood feature film. He draws sketches from the client’s image, converts these into data, matches the colours of the silk and weaves them on shuttle type looms. Shibata Textile produces the textile from scratch. From the very outset, they weave the product with the client’s aspirations fully in mind.
*Nuitori chirimen: decorative thread of gold, silver, urushi lacquer or lame is woven in ornamental patterns on chirimen fabric for ceremonial kimonos. It gives the appearance of intricately gorgeous embroidery, even though actually woven.
染色工房嶋津 Dyeing workshop Shimazu
Senshoku Kobo is a workshop that produces one-of-a-kind silk textiles using dyeing techniques such as wax-resist dyeing, tie-dyeing, brush dyeing, plant juice dyeing and thread-line yuzen dyeing. Plants growing naturally in the mountain area of Tango are used, and encounters between the user and the colors of products are truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.
創作工房糸あそび Creative Workshop ITOASOBI
Based on the studio’s unique weaving techniques and the Tango region’s distinctive techniques of weaving and yarn twisting, Itoasobi combines various yarn types such as silk ribbons and various weaving methods, aiming to produce their own distinctive “ideas and plans for textiles that are Tango products, yet differ from the typical Tango look.”
大善株式会社 Daizen Co., Ltd.
Natural fibers such as silk, and synthetic fibers, use different categories of dyes. Daizen Co., Ltd. creates dyes that are suitable for printing the long established fabrics of Tango.
民谷螺鈿株式会社 TAMIYA RADEN Ltd.
Tamiya produces innovative textiles including “raden-ori” with seashells woven in, and woven fabrics with weft made of diverse materials such as lacquer, wood and leather. The studio cherishes traditional textile techniques and inspiration derived from the rich natural environment of Tango, and constantly takes on the challenge of new forms of expression.
This weaving studio carries out all stages of Tango chirimen crepe silk from yarn twisting to weaving and dyeing. Hatcho-Nenshi yarn twisting, in which water is used to twist the weft strongly, produces fabrics with the fine, beautiful grain characteristic of Tango chirimen crepe silk.
丹後織物工業組合 Tango Textile Industrial Association
We support the refining, dyeing and finishing processes of predominantly silk fabric at our Tango factory, using long established technologies in high quality facilities. We carry out strict inspections before sending goods to market, ensuring trust in the brand name of Tango merchandise. In order to respond to demands of diversification and quality, we conduct various processing technology tests as well as research and development for Tango products.
宮眞株式会社 MIYASHIN Co.,Ltd.
Miyashin was originally a producer of woven fabrics for kimono accessories, and today is primarily focused on development of unique fabrics used for clothing textiles and kimono accessories. In addition to using silk, they are consistently searching for and incorporating new materials, such as synthetic fibers and composite materials.
安田織物株式会社 Yasuda Textile Co., Ltd.
複雑な「からみ織」という技法で、繊細で透け感のある生地を表現します。丹後ちりめんの中でも、夏物と呼ばれる 「絽」 や「紗」を織り、近年はシルク素材を中心としたファッション・インテリア用生地の開発や、ストールなどファッション雑貨の製造販売も手がけています。
Yasuda Textile weaves delicate, transparent fabrics using the complex karami-ori (entwined weave) technique. Among the types of Tango chirimen silk crepe, they particularly produce “ro” silk gauze and “sha” (silk gauze more transparent than ro), known as summer textiles. In recent years they have been developing textiles for fashion and interiors, primarily using silk, and manufacturing and selling miscellaneous fashion items such as stoles.
Since its establishment approximately 186 years ago, Yamatou has been weaving Tango chirimen crepe silk. They produce, plan, and market a wide range of chirimen products such as furoshiki (traditional wrapping cloths), silk crepe wrappers, stoles, and scarves, with a focus on pure unpatterned silk and yuzen-dyed furoshiki.
Using wisteria weaving techniques handed down for many generations in Tango, Yushisha creates unique wisteria textiles called “fujifu.” Wisteria is a sturdy and beautiful material, and because wisteria fabric is rare and cannot be mass-produced, they strive to produce fabric that will be treasured and used for many years.
Paranomad is a studio that interprets the intersection of warp and weft spatially, and produces fabrics based on the concept of “textiles as sculpture.” Items such as curtains and throw blankets are woven with the hope of adding color to interior spaces and becoming a lasting and well-loved part of everyday life.