output 制作した作品

Takashi Nakao 中尾隆志
丹後ちりめん300年の今回の企画においては、年齢、人種の枠を超え、より多くの方々に丹後のものづくりを知っていただきたいという”想い”がコンセプトになりました。そのためあえて和柄ではなく、伝統的ながらも世界的にポピュラーなヨーロッパのタータンチェック をきもの地の技術と掛け合わせてみました。プロダクトも男女兼用、年齢を問わず、幅広い層が身に纏えるようなものにしています。
With this “Tango Chirimen 300 Years Anniversary” project, our hope is to spread the creativity of Tango beyond any confines of age or nationality. For this reason, we chose the traditional yet popular European tartan check and fused it with kimono materials and technologies. Our products are unisex, suitable for all age groups and designed to be worn by a wide range of people.

Mathilde Roseanne Bregeon マチルダ・ロザンヌ・ブレジオン
The first time I came to Tango in 2016, I thought I was home. Indeed, this place looks very much like where I come from, Bretagne, on the west coast of France. Last summer, when we started this new project, we had the opportunity to do a video meeting on Zoom and remotely ’visit’ a fisherman.
During this virtual tour, I could see all the tools that he uses for fishing, especially his nets. It automatically reminded me of when I was back home in Bretagne, how much I liked looking and taking pictures of these nets and how much I was amazed by their complexity and colors. As I have been working on TE.ORI collections, I noticed how this new project creates a real cohesion and solidarity between the different contributors to the project. I chose to work on a fishing net pattern, not only because of its aesthetic aspects – its intricate, complex and beautiful pattern – but also because I think it reflects well this idea of connection and link, something that gets bigger and stronger by adding more and more knots to it.

Aurore Thibout オロール・ティブー
中世の時代、まだポケットが考案される前、alms purse は男女問わず身に付ける、小さな平たいバッグで、貴重品や日々必要な物を持ち歩くための布の服飾品でした。また、それは施しのための貨幣を入れるものでもあり、豪華な装飾で、時にはロマンティックな恋の物語の一場面が描かれていました。私はこの西洋の文化的遺産にインスピレーションを受けながら、丹後の職人のユニークで高い技術を表現した日用的に使えるバッグを制作したいと思いました。こうして天然繊維の美しさと、丹後の生地の巧みな側面の組み合わせを強調しています。
このバッグは平面から立体へと展開するので、ワードローブや荷物の中に簡単に収納でき、着飾るだけでなく、世界中を旅する際にも適しています 。
※alms purse ( aumônière(仏) / オモニエール)……オモニエールとは、装飾が施された小型の布製の手提げバッグや、巾着型バッグの事。起源は、中世に使われた腰から下げられた布製の袋からきていて、語源はお布施や施しの意味があり、巾着袋の意も持つ。
During the Middle ages, before the creation of pockets, the alms purse was a small flat bag that men and women wore attached close to their bodies. This was an essential fabric accessory containing valuables or items needed in their daily lives. It was also used to carry coins for charity, and was often rich with embellishment, sometimes depicting secular scenes of Courtly love. I designed an everyday life object inspired by the occidental alms purse, expressing the uniquely high skills of the weavers of Tango. It underlines the beauty of the natural fibers and the extraordinary combination of materials in Tango fabrics. This bag evolves from a flat dimension to volume. It is easy to store in your wardrobe or luggage, ready to adorn your day or even accompany you to the other side of the world.

Suhye Kim キム・スヘイ
I assimilated kimono fabric with sustainability as to me they are core values of Tango chirimen. Japanese costumes use flat patterns; they look different on each person’s body yet have simple and ecological aspects in their fabrication. The tetra package, for example, is a brilliant invention in package design -- simple and easy to make in its shape -- in a way that is similar to the kimono. This similarity shaped the inspiration for the creation of the bag. It is not just beautiful but very functional, and can be used as a rucksack, shoulder bag or cross-bag, depending on the user’s needs.

Anais Guery アナイス・ゲーリー
Anaïs Guery is active as a fashion designer, and since around 2012 has also been working as an indigo dyeing artist. She has profound knowledge of unique Japanese techniques, such as learning sukumo (production of fermented indigo leaves used to dye fabric and threads) in Tokushima, and produces indigo and dyes textiles in her own studio. Guery’s work, which combines the historic legacy of French couture and artistic experimentation with materials, is always brimming with poetic feeling and can be called “wearable sculpture.”

Arthur Leitner アーサー・レイトナー
After graduating in architecture, Arthur Leitner decided to focus on furniture and product design to be able follow the creation process and get closer to the makers. He worked in Brazil and in Paris for the Campana brothers, Louis Vuitton Malletier, Carpenters workshop gallery and Hervé van der Straeten. Nowadays, working as a freelance designer, he remains deeply interested in the fundamental link between designers and makers rather at the craft or industrial scale.