Search for cross-border creation possibilities. Search for cross-border creation possibilities. 越境する創造の可能性の模索
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about us
What happens when you bring together the finesse of Tango Chrimen (locally made silk crêpe which has been perfected for over 300 years) and the fine creations of Paris?
2019年よりスタートした「TANGO CREATION PLATFORM」は、丹後が持つ様々な魅力を外に開くことで新たな地域の可能性を模索するプロジェクト。「丹後ちりめん」と世界で活躍するクリエイター/デザイナーが滞在と交流を通じ、新たな領域の丹後ちりめんを模索する。滞在の中で出会う丹後の伝統、文化、風土、そしてリアルな工房の現場から様々なインスピレーションを得て作品が創造される。2020年は、COVID-19の影響により実行困難な状況におかれたが、オンライン観光やビデオ会議を通じて本来の滞在体験に近づけるかたちを工夫し開催。今回の特殊な環境下でも、関係者の相互協力と熱意により国を超えたクリエイションが可能なことを証明した。日本と海外を拠点にするデザイナーの感性が融合した、新たな[丹後ちりめん]の可能性を紹介する。
TANGO CREATION PLATFORM started in 2019. It’s a type of ‘artist-in-residence’ project to cultivate new potential in Tango by opening our doors more widely to the world. Creators and designers are invited to develop and evolve new types and uses for renowned Tango Chirimen through communication and residential programs. Our aim is to foster artistic space for creators, both from around Japan and internationally, to stay in Tango and develop their work. Gaining inspiration from the meeting of tradition and culture, coupled with the real atmosphere of local ateliers and artists, this will be a unique and exciting experience.In 2020, we had a difficult time due to COVID-19, but we continued working hard by holding online meetings and online touring, so that participants could experience the real Tango.And we proved that it is possible to create exciting new work through the enthusiastic cooperation of creators.Please see one new stage of “Tango Chirimen,” which was created this year by the collaboration of Japanese and French artists.
process プロジェクトのステップ
01 アーティスト選定

Four creators resident in France were selected
02 職人とマッチング

teams were created by matching the creators and their craftmen with Tngo Chirimen Skill
03 丹後ちりめんを学ぶ

A study tour of chirimen (silk crêpe) workshops in Tango was held for artists to learn about the history and techniques behind the local silk crêpe
04 滞在制作

Creators in residence worked with local craftsmen to create prototypes
05 作品発表

The prototypes created were exhibited both in Paris and Japan
In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we used on-line meetings for all processes of the project from the matching of designers and craftsmen to the completion of the finished work.
output 制作した作品
Creators: opportunity to learn and cultivate respect towards Japanese crafts.
Japanese shokunin craftsmen: opportunity to collaborate and experiment.
This was not a project for creator to merely create works; it was a chance for participants to create new products with Tango Chirimen, by balancing teams of artists and local craftsmen. Specific, one-off teams were created from an indefinite number of pairings.